What Do You Have to Give?
Rev. Enoch Thompson | February 3 2025 | Acts 3:1-7
KEY VERSE: Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. Acts 3:6 (NIV)
MESSAGE: It is important to each one of us that we gauge and confirm for ourselves what resources God has placed in us and in our hands. No human being, especially no child of the King of the Kingdom of God, can rightly and truly say that they are not resourced to serve God’s purposes. God has given us something we can engage, use or release at every point in time to bring about God’s rich purposes.
To Moses’ concerns about convincing the Israelites that Yahweh had sent him and to prepare him to go on that important errand, the LORD said, "What is that in your hand?" Ex 4:2 (NIV). When Moses could identify what he had in his hand, a staff provided by God ultimately, he was given the directives to bring about the salvation of Israel.
In our text today, Peter and John identified what they had in their hands that could benefit the beggar. They did not have precisely what the beggar was asking for, money, but they had something more important: the God-given power to heal him in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Church may not have the silver and gold to solve the problems of our nations, but we have the everlasting, life-transforming Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we share it and bring people into the Kingdom of God, we do what no educational system or international monetary system can for our communities and the larger society: create qualitative, honest, and highly productive human capital.
What has God given you to succeed in life, help others find their path, and contribute to the Church and society? If you have something, please identify it and use it!
Lord, open my eyes so that I may see what you have given me to use, and give me the boldness to engage in my blessings. For your dear Name’s sake. Amen.
The 365 DAILY BIBLE READING Day 34: Genesis 46-47 — Jacob’s Family Moves to Egypt
DAILY word study: GIVE
The Greek word for "give" in Acts 3:6 is δίδωμι (didōmi), which means to bestow, grant, or offer something of value to another. It carries the sense of intentional generosity and divine empowerment, often implying the transfer of authority, blessing, or provision.
In the biblical context, "give" is not limited to material wealth. When Peter and John tell the lame man, "What I have I give you," they demonstrate that the greatest gifts are not always tangible. This aligns with Jesus' teaching that the most valuable gifts are those that bring spiritual renewal (John 14:27). True giving is about offering what God has deposited in us—whether it be wisdom, faith, encouragement, or the power of prayer.
How do you perceive giving? Are you limiting it to financial contributions, or are you aware of the spiritual and relational resources God has entrusted to you? Identify what God has given you, and use it to impact those around you.